Time tracking software for freelancers: a client story
Time tracking software for freelancers: a client story
18 april 2019 
1 min. read

Time tracking software for freelancers: a client story

Stefan Gallego is a Swiss professional in video and animations. He founded his business based in Luzern (CH) in 2009, focused on postproduction, especially in the creation of visual effects and retouching of video material. He also designs animated 2D and 3D elements and integrates these in film recordings. Stefan is a happy user of the 14Dayz time tracking software and shares his opinion here in this article: “The time tracking software not only allows me to check time budgets for myself, the data provides a perfect baseline to discuss my efforts with clients, too.”

Stefan often struggled with keeping track of his work time

“Before I was using the services of 14dayz.com, I struggled keeping track of my worktime. The notes I put in a sheet were inconsistent, and impractical. That was a lot of hassle.” That’s why he started searching for an alternative. He tried a few solutions, not all to his satisfaction.

14Dayz - Client story - Stefan Gallego

Stefan Gallego’s website showing his work.

“But ever since I found this site, time management got a lot easier.” Stefan uses 14Dayz to improve his business, improving efficiency of his work. “I actually enjoy hitting the stopwatch.” Tracking time with one click on a button helps him in keeping track of work time, so his invoices are indisputable.

It provides a perfect baseline to discuss efforts with clients

“Being a freelancer, you often have to go the extra mile to stand out with a product, in order to satisfy your clients. The 14Dayz application not only
allows me to check time budgets for myself, the data provides a perfect baseline to discuss my efforts with clients, too.” As a result his clients are happier with the work Stefan does than before. Not only his Motion Graphics, Editing, Visual Effects are outstanding, his clients can be sure that the invoices he sends are accurate.

Stefan Gallego

Stefan Gallego: “I am very happy with the service, and have no need to change it whatsoever.”

Time tracking for freelancers

Over the years 14Dayz has proven to be a well-fit solution for freelancers. The possibility to only hit play/pause to track your work time for a specific client or project is one of the features that improves freelancers’ businesses. Being able to report data on project level easily is another highlight that helps clients stay with you for a longer time. Try it yourself and start your free 14Dayz account now!

About the author
Jerald Montalvo

Jerald Montalvo

on 01 Feb 2020

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Leonora Nealey

Leonora Nealey

on 28 Mar 2020

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Stefan Gallego

Stefan Gallego

on 14 Jun 2021

This article is old and I hereby request for it's removal, again, since I am no longer standing behind my statements.

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