Gitana Baliutaviciene is a communication consultant, co-founder of gift registry in Lithuania. She is happy with the 14Dayz app’s functionalities: “14Dayz comes in handy, as with this system I can easily track the hours I spend on the exact job or task, effortlessly calculate monthly reports and see the full picture of my time usage divided by projects.”
Not only great for tracking hours, but also for daily planning
“Also, I use it for my daily plans”, Gitana mentions. “Starting my day, I put priority tasks on the list and I press the button once I start it and stop when it’s finished. It’s a one click solution. Very easy to use.”
It helps her keeping the right focus on priorities. “This way I am focused on the issues that are the most important and it’s easy for me to follow how much time I actually need or spend on each task. I can even see the points for efficiency improvement. How? Because I track “unproductive” time – such as coffee breaks and small talks – as well.
It helps me to reach my goal – work just five yet productive hours a day.

The main tip here is counting your time no matter how small the task is, and also put a clear definition of the task in progress rather than an abstract one, finally – focus on priorities.