
We're happy to tell you more

A series of 3 e-mails is created especially for you to provide you with the information you need in order to decide whether 14Dayz will be your time tracking tool. 

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...I felt stress and I could not take it anymore. I had to accept that we all have 24 hrs and that there is only always going to be 14 dayz in a fortnight. Now, I am free. But my journey began with my first small step - tracking time...

Romualdas Maciulis- Skills Access

Four main features:

  • Simplicity

    Make it as simple as possible and leave unnecessary things away. A free mobile app is included for every user. 

  • Time sheet with real time tracker

    Both in the App and in your daily time sheet you simply start your time counter with the press of a button.

  • The dashboard

    On the dashboard, you see the current state of affairs of all projects at a glance, both in time and in money. For the PAID Plans, a planning tool is available for even more efficiency.

  • Export with API to all kind of business software
    With the API of 14Dayz, it is possible to export all data in a customized way, both in pdf or excel sheet as well as to other business software.

Here you find an overview of the plans, choose yours