The importance of tracking freelance healthcare workers

These days, assembling a team of freelancers for any kind of work task is easier than ever before – the Internet is filled with opportunities in regards to this. However, outsourcing some tasks to freelancers also has its downsides as well. For instance, it’s definitely not easy to manage even one freelancer, let alone an entire team.

Even when it comes to vital industries like healthcare, freelance workers in that niche face a lot of online distractions and hindrances to their productivity. And this means they may not always be on par with the work ethic you need on your project or in your company. With that in mind, the importance of tracking freelance healthcare workers and their work time is important – and we’ll delve into the details of why that is below!

Why Is Time Tracking Crucial?

If you’re managing freelancers, you’re obviously putting a lot of faith in them. Faith that they’ll complete their assigned tasks in a timely manner, within your given budget, and up to your standard of quality. However, tracking freelance healthcare workers and the way they perform their duties is an entire job role in and of itself. Considering this, software solutions for time tracking are definitely a good idea. These will allow you to streamline the entire workflow of the freelance team, and let you have a closer look at what your freelancers are doing.

Many people think that time tracking is only important when it comes to physical tasks, like when you need to sort out the ambulance logistics for a busy medical center or transport clinical trials with ease. However, this is just as crucial with digital freelance healthcare workers, who complete important administrative tasks or do online consultations.

Choosing The Right Software

Luckily, there are plenty of software solutions for time tracking out there. In fact, you may have too much choice in this regard – and picking the right software suite can be difficult, particularly if you’re running on a limited budget. There are a number of factors you need to keep in mind if you want to make the most informed decision.

First of all, you need to think about cross-platform integration. Time tracking software like 14dayz supports mobile platforms as well, ensuring you have easy access to all the relevant data at all times.

Also, you need to be certain that the features a tracking platform offers are all of the ones you require, particularly if you’re going to pay for a premium package. Think long and hard about all of the different functionalities that the package you’re thinking of opting for offers.

Reasons To Use  A Time Tracker

When working with freelancers, you need to remember something – even though you’re managing them on this particular project, you have a lot less oversight than you would over a conventional employee. And when we’re talking about freelance healthcare workers, lacking time management can be a serious issue. You don’t want your freelancers to waste any time even with the seemingly unimportant tasks.

For instance, freelancers often have multiple concurrent projects, meaning they frequently switch between them. Thus, you can suffer from inaccurate billing – such mistakes don’t do anyone favors. Not only can you pay too much, but the freelancers you work with could also lose revenue.

Stopping Guesswork

One of the biggest problems with hiring freelance healthcare workers is that neither you nor they are certain about how much time a project will require out of them. Naturally, no two projects or workers are the same. But if you use a time tracker, you will learn just how much time everything takes soon enough. And from there, you can draw comparative conclusions for the time requirements of other tasks and aspects of your project.

This is incredibly useful for future reference – you’re bound to have a similar job for another freelancer in the future. Time tracking software helps you learn how many productive hours you precisely need for every kind of task. Things like invoicing and tracking of activity levels will become far more accurate once you’ve got precise data on your side instead of general guesswork. If you want to learn just how much bang you’re getting for your bucks, this will give you the lay of the land.

Minimizing Non-Billable Time

There aren’t many sayings truer than “time is money”. And if you flip this tautology on its head, you will realize that the inverse is also true – lost time equals lost money. In other words, when you’ve got a freelancer who’s billing you by the hour, you don’t want them spending time sifting through logs and making invoices. This time could be spent far better on work tasks that you actually need them to complete. Time tracking apps will save time on your end as well, allowing you to tend to other tasks or work on some personal activities that aren’t related to the project at all.


As you may surmise from all of the above, tracking freelance healthcare workers is important, and it’s even more imperative that you do it precisely. In terms of helping people, any kind of efficiency boost will benefit your organization greatly, and time tracking does a lot towards that goal.